परिमितं वै भूतम्। अपरिमितं भव्यम्।। (AitareyaBrahmanam 4/6) What had happened had limits; the happenings of future are limitless.
We try our best tomaterialise this Vedic aphorism in every life that we touch, as we carry the time-tested, eternal, most scientific technique of unfolding the limitless potential present inside an individual.

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Jan 2020

  • Sep 13, 2022

DJJS Representative participates in Yog Samadhi Webinar held by International Naturopathy Organisation

Sadhvi Tapeshwari Bharti Ji, daughter disciple of His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, the Founder and Head of Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS), was invited as a keynote speaker in a webinar organised by the International Naturopathy Organisation (INO) recently. Sadhvi Ji is also the Principal Coordinator of PEACE Program, the Corporate Workshop Wing of DJJS.

Based on the theme of Yog Samadhi, the online event was also broadcast on Facebook LIVE. It witnessed the participation of doctors and experts from Delhi Headquarters of INO, and many states like Jharkhand, Bihar, Maharashtra, West Bengal etc.

Presenting the core philosophy of Patanjali Ashtang Yog Sutra, as taught by Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, Sadhvi Tapeshwari Bharti Ji described the eight-step ladder of Yog that starts from Yam Niyam, Asans, Pranayams, Pratyahar, and goes to Dharna, Dhyan Samadhi. Practical activities and interesting demonstrations conducted during the talk made it all the more insightful for viewers to comprehend the deep concepts.

The enlightening talk session was highly appreciated by one and all. As expressed by the hosts and organisers, it broke their all time records of earlier events. It also set a high record for their future programmes. The Facebook LIVE event also received an amazing response from the audience, which was a never-seen-before experience in the series of their events.