परिमितं वै भूतम्। अपरिमितं भव्यम्।। (AitareyaBrahmanam 4/6) What had happened had limits; the happenings of future are limitless.
We try our best tomaterialise this Vedic aphorism in every life that we touch, as we carry the time-tested, eternal, most scientific technique of unfolding the limitless potential present inside an individual.

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Jan 2020

  • Oct 16, 2022

PEACE Program organizes Lets Yoga-fy Workshop for LIC Officers

PEACE Program, the Corporate Workshop Wing of Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan organised an exclusive event “Let’s Yoga-fy: Yog for Corporate Rogzzz” for Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India on 30th September 2022.

Highlighting the subject "Stress Free/Peaceful Life”, the workshop was held for their Class-I officers at LIC Zonal Training Centre, Gurugram.

Through the variegated flavors of motivational talks, fun-filled activities, and trail-blazing live demonstrations, this invigorating workshop tickled the physical, intellectual and metaphysical nerve of hundreds of officials.

How Yoga helps us to rise above the past conditioning of mind? How does the meditation technique of BrahmGyan translate into holistic self-development? Some of such insightful subjects were splendidly dealt with by Sadhvi Tapeshwari Bharti Ji and Sadhvi Ruchika Bharti Ji, Preacher Disciples of Revered Gurudev, His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, Founder and Head, Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan.

Accompanied with several rejuvenating Asanas, revitalizing Pranayams, and therapeutic Dance Moves, the event was enthusiastically attended by the participants, and they performed Yoga. They also applauded the PEACE Program’s 3D synergetic approach to deal with the daily challenges of personal and professional life.