परिमितं वै भूतम्। अपरिमितं भव्यम्।। (AitareyaBrahmanam 4/6) What had happened had limits; the happenings of future are limitless.
We try our best tomaterialise this Vedic aphorism in every life that we touch, as we carry the time-tested, eternal, most scientific technique of unfolding the limitless potential present inside an individual.

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Jan 2020

  • Jun 22, 2019

'योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्'- Vedic Verse Stands Proved at Chapter-III of Shaurya Yog | CRPF Women Battalion

 #YogaDay2019 #InternationalDayOfYoga

Under the prudent leadership of H.H. Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, PEACE Program of Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS) conducted the third chapter of 'Shaurya Yoga: A 4D Dimensional Workshop Based on Ancient Sciences' for the CRPF Women Battalion, at its Pappankala Camp, Dwarka. This most sought-after yoga program witnessed over 200 women squad and senior officials. PEACE Representatives - Sadhvi Tapeshwari Bharti Ji, Sadhvi Dr. Nidhi Bharti Ji, and Sadhvi Ruchika Bharti Ji facilitated the extravaganza.

Based on Physiological Yog, Psychological Yog and Metaphysical Yog- all the sessions included several thought-provoking activities and eye-pooping experiments, which pulled heaps of applauds and appreciation. The defence personnel enthusiastically performed yoga, entwined with many rejuvenating Asanas and destressing Pranayamas. Shaurya Yoga workshops are designed and developed to lessen the stress level of our brave hearts and help them deal with various psychological issues through the practice of Yoga.